Beat Detect Music Analyzer- Song Key & BPM Finder

Upload your audio files (MP3 or WAV) to find the BPM, Key, and other music info.


Browse or drag & drop audio files here to analyze your music.

How to Find BPM, Key & other audio features?


Select Tracks

Make sure audio files are in MP3 or WAV format and they are ready to upload. No additional preparation is needed


Upload Files

Click 'Select Files' or drag and drop your audio files into the designated area. Our tool supports multiple file uploads for your convenience.


Hold Tight

After you upload, the analysis runs right in your browser. It's quick—just a brief wait while your tracks are evaluated.


Music Insights

Once the analysis is complete, you'll see a breakdown of each song's key, BPM, and other info. Use this info to mix, remix or understand your music better.

How it Works

Our tool analyzes your music right in your browser. This means your files are not uploaded or stored on any server, ensuring privacy and security.

1. In-Browser Analysis

We use Essentia's audio analysis library, enhanced with ML and AI technologies, to improve the precision of detecting musical features across multiple genres.

3. AI-Enhanced Precision

Powered by cutting-edge algorithms, our tool delivers fast and precise BPM, key, and other audio feature detection, all within the comfort and security of your browser.

2. Advanced Algorithms

Beat Detect Music Analyzer (Pro)


  • BPM (Tempo) Detection
  • Key Detection


Most Popular


  • BPM (Tempo) Detection
  • Key Detection
  • Camelot Detection
  • Energy
  • Danceability
  • Happiness
  • Save Results
  • Download Results
  • Remove ads (Site wide)


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Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is the BPM and key detection?

Our detection is highly accurate thanks to our advanced algorithms and AI learning, which have been trained on a diverse set of music tracks to recognize various rhythms and keys with precision.

What happens to my audio files after analysis?

Nothing. Your files never leave your computer. Our tool runs entirely in your browser, analyzing the audio without ever uploading it to the cloud, ensuring your music remains private.

Can I use the tool on any of my devices?

Absolutely! Our browser-based tool is designed to work across all modern devices. As long as you have a web browser, you can analyze your audio files anytime, anywhere.

Are there any restrictions on file size?

There is no set file size limit for uploads however, the performance depends on your browser's and computer's capacity to handle large files.